Life Interrupted in New York City: Pandemic to Protests
“A crisis has come to my own city”
As a documentary photographer, I am used to a constant schedule of global travel for my photography work. Our lives, the world over, have been interrupted by this pandemic. My travel wings have been clipped for now. I am used to covering global disasters, changing cultures, and issues concerning the human condition all over the world. Now that a crisis has come to my own city, I feel compelled to document it. I do so well-protected and from a safe social distance from people. This distance is a departure from how I usually work, but finding some story or connection with those whom I meet has been a universal theme throughout my photography projects around the world. This photo journal is simply my own musings of the people and places I encounter on my daily walks.
It is a project born first out of curiosity of circumstance, then of gratitude to all those essential workers who kept our world humming, but always out of love for a city that has worked so hard together to keep each other safe. As a collective humanity, we mourn the world we once knew and together we must navigate the new life we create as we move forward. Capturing these small moments in time feels like I’m documenting a larger moment in history.
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Peaceful but vocal demonstrations continued all weekend throughout New York City for the Black Lives Matter movement. In the wake of the police killings of George Floyd and most recently Rayshard Brooks, protestors demand justice and accountability including a complete shakeup and defunding of the police force across the country. Protestors wave a “Black Lives Matters” American flag.