Nancy R. Chandler visiting Scholar October 22, 2015,
Bend Oregon
Nancy R. Chandler visiting scholar

Women Swimming Upstream: The Global Empowerment of Women at Work in the Developing World
Alison Wright
Social Documentary Photographer
2013 National Geographic Traveler of the Year
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Tower Theatre, Downtown Bend
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Tickets $15. Purchase Tickets Here
Journey around the world with National Geographic Traveler of the Year and contributing photographer, Alison Wright, as she presents her photographs documenting the resiliency and empowerment of women at work in developing countries.
Wright will share stories of women in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East who have risen above circumstance to empower themselves through their strength and tenacity. Her photographic presentation depicts women at work in diverse disciplines — from their role in war and conflict areas to their work in micro-financing, healthcare, homemaking and professional occupations. Her project also highlights individuals and grassroots organizations that are committed to finding creative solutions to the challenges that these women face through all aspects of work in their global communities.
This program is made possible by the generous support of University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication, Connect W, Cascades Academy, The Bulletin, The Old Mill District and World Muse. A special thank you to the students of COCC and OSU-Cascades for their support.